Kitsap Live Steamers

Today we took Katherine to ride a train in port orchard. I wanted to have her go around on it at least twice so I could get video and pictures but that didn't happen do to the fact that it was freezing cold and it started to rain and hail at the same time. So we got into the car and left.

After leaving that park we went to another one in the same city and Katherine had a pretty good time. Although she knows how to walk she is still learning to walk with shoes so she is still a little clumsy.

She wasn't to into the park so we took her down to see the water. I would normally call it a beach but my husband calls it the bay because there isn't much of a beach there. She enjoyed playing with the sand and we enjoyed showing her the different kinds of crabs. I did get pictures of her touching one of the bigger ones but somehow the photo ended up a broken file. :(

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