Went to a wildlife refuge today. We didn’t get to walk all the trails like I would have wanted because they were closed to the public. It was disappointing because I wanted to try and get some photos of some wild animals that I don’t normally see everyday but we didn’t see anything and I think it’s because we couldn’t walk the trails. So we hung out on the beach instead. I was really hoping to see a seal or some other kind of water creature but we saw nothing but waves. I did take 599 photos but some how over 300 of my images were come how corrupted or something. When I try and view them on my camera it says cannot playback image with a check mark underneath them. I have tried everything in my power to try and repair them but nothing seems to be working. But I refuse to give up. I just don’t understand what I did wrong to cause this. Because after taking the photos I was able to play them back at first then when we got to the car and I tried to view them again the message showed up and all the images I had taken were basically gone. But here are the ones that did turn out nice.
1 day ago
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