Took Katherine to Kids Day. This year her mommy and Auntie Briana came with. We also went inside the building this time to get stamps in the passport and to also play games. We also got Katherine a free helmet, now she just needs her first bike to go with it. This year we also got to build a couple of different objects that the home depot was giving out, so we had fun doing that. We also saw the police boat again this year but this time instead of a red firetruck we saw a yellow one and we didn't see and ambulance or at least not one you were able to tour and take photos with. the only thing we missed that I would have love to see was the fire demonstration, by the time we were done inside and looking at all the stuff outside we had missed it. Well there is always next year since Kids Day always happens the first Saturday of June. The only big different from this year and last year is the weather wasn't as hot this year wear as last year it was at least 85+ degrees. All in all we had a pretty good time and now I can't wait to go next year.
1 day ago
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