Today after Sharlene's eye appointment we picked up Nichole and Katherine, drove Nichole to school then went to OfficeMax to get a trifold poster board for Sharlene's project. After leaving we were driving through the Walmart parking lot getting ready to turn to leave when this witch decided she wanted to speed up not wanting us to get in front of her, it didn't work so she turned to go out the other exit not even stopping at the stop sign. Talk about reckless driving, then the stupid bitch had the nerve to give my husband the finger. I wouldn't have been so worked up if we didn't have Katherine with us, but she was with us and when stupid people want to be driving on the road without a care in the world about the other cars around them then yeah I kind of wanted to beat the hell out of the witch for putting my grand baby and daughter in danger. NOT COOL!! I bet she didn't even have a licence or insurance, stupid witch. I finally calmed down and called housing authority and made an appointment for tomorrow to get our section 8 finalized, since it was pointless driving home knowing we would have to just turn right back around we stopped at Arby's to grab some lunch. while we were eating we got a call back from Seattle Talent, Sharlene has an appointment for an audition for the Disney Channel on Saturday. So we will be spending the day in Seattle, I'm trying to convince my husband to go up the space needle. I guess you will find out then weather he budged or not, lets hope he says yes. (Fingers Crossed)
On our way to pick up Nichole we saw that there was a collision 4 miles ahead, luckly we didn't get stuck in traffic for very long. when we got to the school Katherine's daddy was there and Nichole asked him if he wanted to see her and her hair, I wasn't sure why since I can't see her so Sharlene took a few pictures with Robbies cell phone and the pictures were so cute I just have to share them with you.
After getting home I went into the house, started a load of laundry then got my paperwork filled out. I Played on the computer for a bit while Robbie's parents took a nap then went back out to the trailer until it was time to pick Briana up from the school since her bowling game was in Port Angelas. We had told Briana we would take her out so after picking her up we went to Red Robin. On our way home we stopped and picked up pizza for the others. I basicly relaxed the rest of the night until I fell asleep, woke up to see my husband off to work then went back to bed.
Oh and Sharlene does get glasses but only for when she reads.
Hope everyone had a lovely Thursday.
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