School started back up for Nichole yesterday, which means I started babysitting again. I enjoy babysitting Katherine, she is such a gem to be around. Today after 2 of my kids got home from school I needed to get some laundry done so I had Sharlene bring her into the house with us. suprisingly she let her nana hold her for a bit. of course as soon as she saw me she started getting those cute little boo boo lips that she does before she starts crying. Nana also bought her a few things she found at goodwill, a nice pair of dress shoes, a toy, a shirt, and pair of pants. She also loves to go bye bye but since her car seat is not properly buckled in the car we haven't been able to take her anywhere. Tomorrow might be a different story because it's payday and we have some erands to run before picking her mommy up from school.
I am hoping that since my husband cleaned up all the clothes by the bed that he found the charger to my camera battery's so I can start taking pictures for this blog and give you guys a reason to come back. So no pictures today and I am very sorry for that.
1 day ago
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