New Camera

On June 30 we took Katherine to the beach to play in the sand and water. I had taken well all my cameras thank goodness but the one camera that was giving me problems was my DLSR. I hear how allot of people shoot in raw well I don't and for a good reason because everytime I shoot in raw my pictures get corrupted and become unrecoverable. I had taken lots of picture at the beach and all the pictures I had taken were gone just like that. I couldn't believe this was happening to me again so I have decided enough is enough and went and got myself a new camera. I got the Canon Powershot Elph 180 and despite all the horrible reviews I have read about this camera it takes some very awesome photos. I have not yet had any issues with the auto focus nor my pictures coming out blurry at all. and just like a DLSR you should always and I mean always push the picture button half way before taking your shot because if you don't your not giving the camera time to auto focus before the picture is even taken, as for the video part I really don't know. I did take a few videos and as far as I'm concerned those videos turned out awesome.

I will give you a sample photo but as for the rest of the photos I have taken with this camera I will be posting in separate posts under the date I had taken them.

This one is by far one of m favorites.

Yes I do have the date stamp on some of the pictures I have taken with this camera but seeing as it makes it difficult to not only sell them if I wanted to but it also makes it difficult to scrapbook so I have recently turned off the date stamp.

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