I just wanted to start out by saying that I love how darcy will put up with anything when it comes to Katherine, no matter how rough she get's Darcy does not and will not nip nor snap at her she just lays there and puts up with her.
Later in the day we went to the Mall so Nichole could do her shopping while Katherine played, although when we first got there it took her some time to go play because there were more kids there this time and she wasn't used to having that many kids around her, bigger kids for that matter. Of course after I took her to the rest room to change her pull up she didn't want to go back in so we went and sat in an area close by until her mommy was done shopping. On our way home we picked up a couple of pizzas then headed home to watch or at least try to watch the football game, when that turned out to be a big fail Robbie Chris and I headed to the outback to finish watching the game and have bread, shrimp and cheesecake.
23 hours ago
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