PCU (Progressive Care Unit)

So I went to see my mom and found out that she's not in the ICU anymore, now she's in the PCU which is good. It means she getting better and hopefully will be discharged soon. When I finally got to her room I found that she was swollen from the waist up, I asked her what happen and she said she popped, which means air got under her skin. I'm hoping it's gone down allot by the time I see her again tomorrow. I had also taken Charlie her dog with me to visit her and he was so happy to see her, he was such a good boy and just laid there and slept while I talk to her. towards the end of the visit I tried to locate the flowers my uncle had gotten for her after her surgery but they seem to be MIA. I will be so disappointed if they threw them out, they should have called my sister or someone the pick them up since they couldn't be with her in the ICU.

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