Today I got a phone call no parent ever wants to get especially if it's from the school. The vise principle called to let me know that my son Chris had been in a fight, but in reality he was beat up because like a good boy he didn't fight back. instead he took some punches in the head which were hard enough to leave big bumps on the back of his head and a kick to the back. Anyhow not long after hanging up the phone Robbie and I got dressed and headed out to the school to pick him up, after talking with the school and Chris giving a statement to the police officer we headed home to pick up Chris's stuff so he can spend the week of spring break at his sisters place. We also decided to take him to the ER to get him checked out and he was diagnosed with a minor concussion, so going to school tomorrow was out anyways. He also has to take it easy not to cause his brain anymore damage which is something he hated because he was hoping to play sports with our cousin Timmy over the week. We also pressed charges along with the school so we will have to see how that plays out. Anyways after the ER Robbie didn't have time to take me home so I spent the day at my daughter's even though she wasn't home until late. So from there I gave Katherine a bath and got her ready for bed.
1 day ago
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