Today we spent the day in Seattle with Nichole and Katherine. Our ferry ride went smoothly. It was Katherine’s first time riding the ferry. She had a blast looking out the window. We tried to feed her but she wasn’t interested so we just let her hang out on the seat while the rest of us finished eating our lunch.
After we got off the ferry we walked to pike place market where we bought some fruit. We also bought Katherine a shirt that said “I’m 1 …and I like toys, cookies, grandma, grandpa” so cute.
When we were finally able to leave the extremely crowded market we headed off to the Westlake Mall and looked around.
When we were done with that we stopped at a play area for kids and let Katherine stretch her legs, walk around and play.
When Katherine was done playing we put her back into her stroller and went to a few shopping centers to buy some summer clothes for her. I ended up getting her a finding nemo beach towel so she had a towel for when we go to the ocean in June.
From there we walked back to the ferry. We were disappointed that Red Robin was closed do to all the construction that was going on so we decided to head home back to Bremerton. The ferry ride Home also went smoothly. This time we took Katherine out to the deck to get pictures of Seattle as we were leaving. Katherine had a blast walking around or at least trying to walk seeing as the boat would every once in a while rock.
Once we got back to Bremerton we stopped at Nicholes long enough to drop off the stroller. Then we went to Walmart to get a few items and from there we headed off to Red Robin in Silverdale to eat a late dinner. Katherine was having a tone of fun coloring and of course trying to eat the crayons.
After dropping Katherine and Nichole off at home, Robbie and I drove straight home and boy was I happy to finally be able to relax and eventrally go to bed.
23 hours ago
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