Robbie started working his new job today, so the kids won't see him till he finally quits his paper route. He leaves at 2 pm and doesn't get home till after 8 am, that's before the kids get home from school and after they leave for school in the morning.
I also got hurt today, I was holding Katherine getting ready to go inside to ask my mother in-law if she could pick Nichole up from school and slipped on the steps. Katherine just got a small bump on the head and of course was startled, me on the other hand got a scraped up hand and knee. What sucked even worse is the power was out until 3 pm and because the water runs on electricity we didn't have any, so Robbie had to clean my cut with a baby wipe and it hurt like well lets just say it was painful. I didn't get a picture of my knee but i'm guessing you get the point.
I was bored having no power and not being able to watch t.v. or movies or even play on the computer or ps3 so I did the next best thing, I took pictures of Katherine.
1 day ago
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